Mencía Foundation

The MENCÍA Foundation is a member of the Council of Foundations for Science, promoted by the FECYT
(Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology)


The Mencía Foundation focuses its efforts on promoting Scientific Research Projects aimed at finding a treatment or a cure for Genetic Diseases, especially the so-called “rare” diseases which at present are incurable and highly disabling.

The Foundation will help to finance all the projects that the Foundation’s Scientific Committee decides are relevant to its aims.


We aim to make the Mencía Foundation the international benchmark for all interest groups working to develop scientific research into Genetic Diseases.

We will provide the link between the various other foundations and organizations also searching for solutions to these diseases by sharing information, experiences and resources with them so as to work together and find real solutions.



Our optimism is born of a profound belief in human potential and scientific progress. We are convinced that we can contribute to this progress. This attitude is essential for the development and effectiveness of our proyecto.

Commitment and Determination

We are committed to those that suffer from genetic diseases and their families. We are tenacious and we persevere in the search for permanent answers not just temporary solutions.


By being rigorous we have the independence needed to choose to finance only the best research groups’ projects. We are highly demanding in our commitment to our mission.

Scientific Innovation

Because we believe that the future potential of gene therapy and cell therapy is extraordinary. They represent enormous strides forward in scientific progress and they are here to stay and to help in the treatment of all diseases, including, of course, rare diseases.


If we want our progress to be as effective as possible we need to link up with the other interest groups and work in unison with them.